Rest is a fundamental part of training, which is frequently overlooked.
There are those who are new to working out- the combination of limited experience and an ardent enthusiasm to do as much as possible, ultimately working to their detriment. And there are those determinedly working towards a fat loss or muscle gain goal, who understand the theory of rest, but choose simply to ignore it, incorrectly perceiving it as a hindrance.
Both parties are suffering from the dangerous misconception that more is more.
Well here’s the thing: more is NOT more. Your rest is just as important as your training. Not only is a lack of rest going to render your training far less effective, but eventually, it may well prevent you from training altogether. Repeatedly failing to recover is going to utterly batter your poor central nervous system, leading to injury, illness, and chronic fatigue, amidst many other assorted delights.
If you are overtraining, and this hasn’t happened to you yet, trust me, it’s only a matter of time.
Rest and recovery can be applied in a few different ways, throughout your programme- namely via rest days, rest weeks and deload training (aka active recovery).
Rest Days
Rest days should be incorporated into your weekly training plan. You should have at least one day per week with absolutely no scheduled training- resistance, cardio or otherwise. Then, depending on the nature of your workout intensity, the number of muscle groups worked per session, and your overall training volume, you may need more rest days in addition to that. Personally, I aim to have at least two complete rest days each week.
The aim of a rest day is to enable muscular repair and/or growth, and recovery of the central nervous system, which isn’t to say that your rest days should be completely inactive. Enjoyable, low-intensity activities, such as a walk or a leisurely cycle a perfectly acceptable, and I’d encourage them! Of course, if you need a day to veg on the sofa, that’s fine too.
Rest Weeks
If you’re not going to be performing deload, or active recovery sessions, then a full rest week should be taken every 10-12 weeks. This is necessary for the full recovery of your central nervous system.
During this rest week, there should be no scheduled training at all, although, as with rest days, leisurely, low-intensity activity is encouraged. In terms of diet, I’d recommend that you eat at maintenance (see my calorie counting article if you’re unsure of what your ‘maintenance’ is)- this applies both whether you have been eating in a surplus to gain muscle, or in a deficit to lose fat.
If you’ve never taken a rest week before, it can be a little nerve-wracking. It’s a common fear that all our hard work will be undone in seven days, and that we’ll be taking a huge step backwards in our progress. Please let me reassure you that this is far from the case- once you return to working out, your training will be on fire, and you’ll realise just how much your intensity had dropped off in the couple of weeks prior to your rest week, as by comparison. And if you’d been dieting, a week of eating maintenance calories will have got your metabolism revving along nicely!
Once you’ve taken you’re first rest week, you’ll wonder why the hell you didn’t take one sooner, and you shouldn’t have any hang-ups about taking a week off, from then on in. This was certainly the case with me!
Deloads/Active Recovery
An alternative to taking a full rest week, is instead, to perform a deload week. This should be done around about every four weeks. With a deload, you take the training programme you’ve been doing, and significantly notch down the intensity.
One way of doing this is to reduce volume. For example if you’ve been been doing 3 x 10 reps of an exercise at 20kg, you would instead do 2 x 5 reps at 20kg. Another option is to reduce the load, so you’d stick with 3 x 10 reps, but you would lower the weight to 10kg.
Really, as long as everything is sub-maximal, and you well clear of muscular failure, it’s acceptable. This is not a workout that you should be ‘feeling’ afterwards!
If you’re doing cardio, it should be kept to a low intensity, and techniques such as interval training should be avoided.
I’d still suggest taking a full rest week from time to time, but if you’re doing regular deloads, one rest week every 16-20 weeks would be sufficient.
Let’s not be forgetting the most important fundamental of recovery- adequate sleep! The recommend amount of shut-eye for the average adult is a good 6-8 hours. Depending on various genetic and lifestyle factors, you may be able to get away with a little less, but as a ball-park figure, 6-8 hours is what you should be aiming for. This is as important for optimal mental function, as well as physical recovery.
Rest Up!
You can see now why training hard and eating well needs to be complimented by adequate rest, in order to be effective. You may have heard the phrase “Train, eat, sleep, repeat.” Most of us will have to add work or school in there too, but the philosophy still applies!
So think about when the last time was that you took a break? If it was longer than three months ago, then bite the bullet and take next week off. It’ll do your body, your training, and your goals the world of good!
Clint - Crude Fitness
Great post Charli.
I find that a week off is a MUST due to the fact i train with MAX intensity all of the time.
It’s amazing what you body does during that week off. It rebuilds itself stronger and you DO come back, like you say ‘on fire’
Great info, i was one of those that worked out way to much and didnt take days off and caused several injuries. Rest is one of the most impoertant components of a fitness program and more trainers should recognize and promote it.
Thanks Nick- great to hear that you’ve seen the light when it comes to rest!
I like this article! Today is my non-training day
Great read Charli! and very true! Retweeted to our customers as I have found the general consensus is more= more….will set the record straight!
Thanks, Jade- glad you enjoyed it and I hope it’ll be helpful to your customers!
I like this. It’s definitely hard to actually believe that sometimes less is more when it comes to exercise. Especially when you start out. I’ve been known to do far too much and it got to the point where I was tired all the time, not sleeping properly, irritable and my workouts were suffering as well.
I think I forget sometimes just how much strenuous weight training takes out of you.
Today is a rest day for me. I’m supposed to be spinning later but I need a day in bed!
The thing people don’t get is that when you’re working out you are not building up muscles, you’re BREAKING THEM DOWN! It is when you are resting that you actually building the muscle up. You wear down your muscles by overloading them during exercise, then the body recovers during the rest period by restoring the muscles. But people still have the misconception that the muscles are only being built up while your exercising. If that were true powerlifters, the strongest of all athletes, would be working out 7 days a week, 10 hours a day. Instead, these men and women who can lift from 500 to 1000(!) pounds lift only 3 to 4 days a week for 1, yes 1 hour a day! And this is only for a cycle of 8 top 14 weeks. At the end of the cycle(and contest) they take a full 2 weeks off!
Just like eating only junk food will undo your workout lack of rest will keep you from getting the gains no matter how hard you work out.
Hi Charli
Good article. When training athletes it can be hard to convince them to have a ‘rest week’. Thus we prescribe deload weeks as you have mentioned. This can either be sub-maximally working on the supplementray muscles to the movement or actually a skills session where technique on the core lifts (DL, Clean etc) are focussed on without lifting maximally
Adaptation occurs in recovery – muscles dont adpat whilst being broken down during training or if neural pathways are fatigued. If you dont give them time to replenish then you are not maximising the effects of the workout.