Fashion Industry Fitness Myths: Part 2

In Fashion Industry Fitness Myths Part 1, we heard from, Russell Bateman on his role in re-educating models on healthy and sustainable diet and training methods. Following on from this, one of Russell’s clients, a successful British model (who would prefer to remain anonymous) shares her personal experience of health, fitness and body image within the industry…

What’s it like, working in an industry where weight and physique is everything?

Working in the fashion industry, people are constantly under pressure to look good. As a model, this includes being a desirable ‘sample size’ for the duration of your career. However, the majority of girls are left to fend for themselves in this area, after being told with raised eyebrows that they’re looking ‘a little bigger’. This statement lacks in any kind of solution or support. It is for this reason that some girls panic and thus, begin to eat less and less, instead of what’s right. Or worse, latch onto some ‘trendy’ fad diet.

Did this impact negatively on your eating and training habits?

I am guilty, to some extent. I must say, I’ve received great advice from my agency on how to maintain the way I look, but it didn’t entirely prevent me from panicking. I used to eat small meals, which tended to backfire and result in more snacking. I would think about how much I was eating, rather than what.

What was the turning point for you?

Among some of the advice my agency gave me, they put me in touch with personal trainer Russell Bateman, founder of The SBC. Prior to this I was merely told to ‘exercise’ or ‘go to the gym’; I was probably doing all the wrong things and had certainly never considered lifting weights or doing squats. Since I’ve started working out with Russell, my outlook on the way I eat has changed incredibly too. Not only have I noticed incredible results from training, but also the food I eat has contributed to making me leaner and more energetic.

You look fantastic – what sort of things are you eating now to maintain that?

I now eat more than I used to, choosing foods high in protein and rich in nutrients and antioxidants, which leave me feeling amazing, both physically and mentally. I now eat a fillet of salmon for breakfast, which I never would have considered before. I buy organic produce as much as possible, and avoid any kind of processed foods. I never miss a meal and I’ve learnt that it’s ok to snack, just as long as you choose the right things.

The modeling industry has received a lot of negative press over the past couple of decades for encouraging and rewarding unhealthy, dangerous eating and exercise habits. The SBC is a great example of breaking the mould. Do you think the mindset of the industry is changing as a whole?

Weight is always going to be an issue in the industry, however, gradually, there is becoming less emphasis on being skinny, or a size 0 and more on toning up, getting leaner and feeling amazing.

Reassuring and positive words there! I’d like to pose this same question to you, my readers: what are your thoughts on how things are changing for the better?

If you have any of your own experiences you’d like to feature or discuss either publicly or anonymously, drop me a line via my contact page – I’d love to hear from you!

Stay tuned for the next installment, where I’ll be delving further into fitness within the fashion industry…

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